Negative reviews: Businesses have the right to fail sometimes

This page is part of a global project to create a better online reviews system. If you want to know more or give your feedback, write at [email protected] and we’ll grab a beer ;)

Don't we all experience failure sometimes, even in areas where we excel?

This principle applies to businesses as well. Instead of permanently penalizing them on online platforms, customers should be more understanding.

In fact, people inherently understand this and act accordingly. For instance, readers often distrust perfect 5-star ratings (see the section on the psychology of numbers): perfection seems suspicious. They recognize that any business can fail occasionally, and they even believe it’s healthy.

Thus, while it's important for failures to be visible, they should not dominate. There should be room for failure to appear without having an overwhelming impact.

Ultimately, what matters is the quality of the reviews. Remember: not all reviews carry the same weight. The main goal should be to avoid extreme opinions.


➡️ Next up: Out of fear of bad reviews, businesses show people-pleasing tendencies